30 September 2020ß
Harbour Vista HOA
Rules and Regulations Committee Charter
Rules and Regulations


  • To recommend updates to the Harbour Vista HOA Rules and Regulations for the community upon request from the Board of Directors. The Rules and Regulations may cover or clarify any specific issues that are not directly stipulated in the HVHOA CC&R's.

Goals and Objectives

  • Recommend revisions to the existing Rules and Regulations to supplement the provisions of the CC&Rs.
  • Create and maintain a working relationship with the Board of Directors and the Management Company to ensure that any issues that the Board becomes aware of are solved expeditiously.


  • The committee must keep written minutes of all discussions and reports made to and by the committee.
  • The committee must keep a written record (minutes) of all meetings, which are to be submitted to the Board of Directors. Committee minutes are subject to owner inspection (Civil Code Section 5200).
  • The committee shall submit any proposed updates, changes, or additions to the Rules and Regulations to the Board of Directors for review and/or approval.

Term of Committee

  • Committee members shall serve for the time required to make recommendations for changes, updates, or additions to the Rules and Regulations.
  • The Board of Directors selects the committee members and the chairperson.
  • Committee members including the chairperson may be removed at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Size of Committee

  • The committee shall be comprised of no more than five (5) members.

This website and it's contents is not an official or legal entity of the Harbour Vista Homeowner's Association, LLC. The content has not been approved by, nor are the views, expressed or implied, those of the Harbour Vista HOA Board of Directors or the membership. Send email toeditor@harbourvistanews.com